2022 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting(年次総会)がカナダのトロントで開催されました。(2022年6月23~25日)
2022 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting was held in Toronto, Canada (June 23-25, 2022)
Empowerment and Self-Management Enhancementセッションで、PEPのリーダーである東光久医師(Dr.Teruhisa Azuma/奈良県総合医療センター (nara-hp.jp))が、患者力向上における日本での取り組みを発表しました。
During the Empowerment and Self-Management Enhancement session, PEP leader Dr. Teruhisa Azuma (Nara General Medical Center (nara-hp.jp)) presented on Japan's efforts in patient empowerment.

Supportive Care in Cancer Makes Excellent Cancer Care Possible.
The PEP initiative, and the idea that healthcare providers should be involved in a way that improves patient empowerment, improves the quality of the patient-provider relationship and encourages highly individualized and high-quality cancer care.


MASCC/JASCC/ISOO 2023 Annual Meeting in Nara, Japan June 22-24
Nara Tourism Association Website:奈良市観光協会サイト (narashikanko.or.jp)